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Leap of Faith
The gems found in this masterpiece, Leap of Faith: From Fear to Fulfillment, called to the author for revision through her desire to inspire positivity and personal growth during these global challenging times.
Part one is a wonderful source of encouragement, empowerment, and enlightenment. Like rungs on a ladder, the chapters carefully guide the reader to hold on, act upon their desires, and embrace the opportunity to live their dreams. As they courageously leap to their Divine right place in life, they truly experience the “AHHH” of fulfillment. The pages are also speckled with some of Harmony’s personal experiences.
Part two has proven to be a healing and very rewarding experience for all those who graciously accepted an invitation to share their “Reiki Experiences, Leaps of Faith and Poetry.” It is equally as rewarding to the reader.

ISBN-10 : 195113138X
ISBN-13 : 978-1951131388
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WTF: Willing To Forgive
The title, WTF: Willing To Forgive, is about wanting to fit in as well as justifying the hellish journey that I survived; one that truly had me re-examine my “WTF” life. My desire to live a better life led me to explore healing modalities. I found peace and harmony through forgiveness. The content, and sub-title, Willing To Forgive, is what’s worth sharing. It is a remarkable blueprint of the process, practices and guidelines that I used to move from victim soul to an empowered, loving, light-being free of shame, guilt, and fear.

Learn from an expert in forgiveness:
- Each exercise in WTF is carefully designed to guide the reader through their personal journey at their own pace in as much depth as they choose
- Forgiveness is a process, not a race; a healing journey that truly leads to freedom
- Explore the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How with Help from the Author’s tool kit
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1951131128
ASIN : B08R5KS682
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When Angels Speak: 22 Angel Communicators Connect You To The Guidance Of The Angels
Tap into the divine love and energy of the Archangels and guardian angels all around you. Your angels are here to help you develop in positive ways. The angel authors in this book teach you to discover your unique abilities when connecting to this divine source. If you have been struggling with stress, fear, self-doubt, or have been feeling stuck, this book will help connect you with a loving source: your angels.

Learn from expert angel communicators how to:
- Tap into the unique power of the angelic realm·
- Use unconditionally loving energy to transform challenging life circumstances
- Gain access to wisdom that is based on integrity and kindness
- Connect to an endless flow of angelic energy every day.
Join our free online facebook group. Authors in this book include:Kyra Schaefer, Anne Danielle Gingras, Catherine Anderson, Cathy Stuart, Dr. Vicki L. High, Chantal Fortin, Debbie Helsel, Debbie Labinski, Donna Kiel, Elizabeth Harbin, Genevieve Ivey, Brandi Khan, Holly Bird, JamieLynn, Kim Purcell, Kira Murphy, Leanne Weasner, Misty Proffitt-Thompson, Rosemary Hurwitz, Sue Broome, Suzanne Harmony, Thomas Workman, Raina Irene
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Inspirations: 101 Uplifting Stories For Daily Happiness
Are you ready to jump out of the fishbowl? Are you tired of what you’ve been swimming in? Do you want to be inspired? If you are experiencing a transition in your life, this is the perfect book for you.

The 101 articles in this book guide you through personal stories to overcome the challenges we all face. The authors are teachers, coaches, and those who have made it their mission to inspire the world with their wisdom. In this book, you will: • Experience heartfelt personal stories of growth and transformation.
• Shift your mindset around fear, anxiety, stress, illness, abuse, and loss.
• Explore new possibilities and gain new understandings.
• Be reminded that you are never alone
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Because I Didn’t Tell
This self-help memoir shares one woman’s story of living in an abusive relationship and how she found the courage to tell someone and become free.

Have you ever surrendered to an abuser?
She was raped, beaten senseless, and left for dead…by her ex-boyfriend.
A Miracle Mom shares how to survive, speak out, and soar…no matter how badly you’ve been beaten.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781504383929
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781504383943
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781504383936
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Leap of Faith: From Fear to Fulfillment
Know that you are here to make a difference in the world…each contribution counts. Fulfill your dreams by believing in yourself, which will, in turn, inspire others to believe in themselves and to fulfill their dreams.

Passion fuels us with endless energy and brilliant new ideas. This is where it’s wise to look before you leap! Sometimes we are so thrilled with our newfound purpose that we forget to look at all the angles, ins and outs, ifs and buts, of the ideas we are receiving before acting upon them. With all the potential pitfalls and setbacks researched, resolved and eliminated; a healthy dose of determination, enthusiasm, enlightenment, courage (faith in motion), and positive support, people are well on their way to success.
Section Two of this book is filled with success stories and inspiration from those who were gracious enough to accept my invitation to express their journey as they took their “Leap of Faith” and moved “From Fear to Fulfillment”.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9780595528028
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9780595516094
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9780595628568
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