The new face of forgiveness is self-forgiveness.

The new face of forgiveness is self-forgiveness.

Yes, we have been told that forgiving others will free our soul; yet, some events (wrongs that others have inflicted upon us or someone we love) feel way beyond our capacity for forgiveness. It also may feel that doing so rejects and dishonours our self-worth. So, leave that task to a higher power for now; and instead, focus on forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for: remaining silent, surrendering your power to an abuser, for feeling guilt, shame, powerless, indecisive, doubtful, and for allowing overwhelming fear to interfere with your freedom.

This is one technique that helped me on my journey to recover from abuse and to forgive myself for choices I made out of FEAR!

Look at yourself in a mirror and repeat out loud:

“I love, honour and respect myself, and I forgive myself for the events and choices I have made in the past. I love myself and I am worthy of all good things. I forgive myself, I free myself and I move forward fearlessly.”

-Repeat this exercise daily, frequently; through tears to laughter to elation!
-Embrace your truth; You are a chosen one and you have a positively, powerful purpose.


  • Stop the abuse
  • Acknowledge what has happened
  • Report what & who has hurt you. Abuse is abuse! No excuse!
  • Seek assistance for your safety

ONLY THEN: will you be ready to embark upon your RECOVERY JOURNEY.

Learn to accept that you cannot change what happened; however, you can change how you feel about it! Turn your anger, frustration, fear, resentment, anguish, powerlessness into a powerful, passionate purpose…focus on improving your life…and eventually others’ too! Learn to love yourself again, free yourself of guilt, doubt, shame, self-loathing by forgiving yourself …. like you would a child, a friend, a pet. Be at peace with yourself and the past; let it go; grow in acceptance and honour of your self-worth and move on…triumphant and free.

This is not letting the person that did you wrong off the hook; let that be a “God job.” Forgiveness, and Self-Forgiveness, releases you from the cycle of resentment and festering anger. Only then will you be able to allow yourself to move forward as a stronger, much better self.

Professional help, with someone that you can trust and feel at ease with, is needed to recover and heal the external and internal/(mental & emotional) wounds.

Accept that relapses or feelings of overwhelmingness may occur during your journey of recovery. The decision to stop being abused and embracing your journey to healing will make you stronger and lead you towards your full potential. Stay the course; you’ll be glad you did.
Be patient and forgive yourself for choices and difficult decisions made during desperate times
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